New List of Yabatech part-time courses.
you been searching for Yabatech Part-time courses, this article is for
you. I saw a site online with a list of part time courses Yabatech
offered, that list was far from complete, please anybody writing
something important as this should take more time to research because an the incorrect or incomplete list could affect someone negatively. Imagine a
part time aspirant of yabatech searching online and finds an incomplete
list, He/She may think his/her course is not available for Yabatech
part time program then give up seeking admission in yabatech or look for
another school that has the course.
So I took my time to compile this list of both Yabatech OND and HND part time courses, as at of March 31, 2015, this list is complete. Some courses maybe added in the future just like Mass communication was added last 2 year. Here goes the list of Yabatech Part time Courses for both ND and HND Programmes;
Yabatech OND part time courses.
Accountancy.Banking and finance.
Building technology.
Business administration.
Civil engineering.
Computer engineering.
Computer science.
Electrical engineering.
Estate management.
Food technology.
General art.
Hospitality management.
Industrial design -Fashion.
Industrial maintenance engineering.
Mass communication.
Mechanical engineering.
Metallurgical engineering.
Office technology management.
Printing technology.
Quantity survey.
Science laboratory technology.
That's all for OND, Now for HND, the list continues
Yabatech HND part time courses
Building technology.
Business administration.
Civil engineering.
Computer science.
Electrical engineering.
Environmental biology.
Food technology.
Graphic design.
Industrial maintenance.
Mechanical engineering.
Office technology.
Physics with electronics.
This is the complete list, a total of 22 courses for OND (part time) and 18 courses for HND (part time). We will update this list anytime a new course is made available for the part time program.
Don't go yet, there are some facts you need to know about the part time program.
Yabatech part time program is approximately 3 years, full time is two years. This is because the courses are reduced to suit the part time program, a full timer may offer 14 courses in ND1 while a part timer in the same department and level may offer 9. So the third year is to finish remaining courses and final year project. Also for a part timer to graduate in the third year, he/she must not have any carry over course still pending after the third year, if so, the said student is to pay another school fee and repeat and pass that course before the institution awards a certificate.
Lecture period for most of the courses are Monday to Friday, 5pm-9pm. Some Administrative courses like Accounting and Business administration is only on saturdays and sunday 8am-4pm, this is so because most of the part time students offering this courses are already working in banks, bankers work from 8am till night on week days, so their only free time is on weekends while part time students of other departments work from monday to friday but close work around 4pm, so they can be able to meet the 5pm deadline for lecture.
The part time program does not require jamb or post jamb, all you need is to have at least credits in the five required SSCE subject combinations, Mathematics and English is compulsory. Two sittings is allowed I.e combining weac and neco or gce is allowed. If the required SSCE subject combination result is satisfactory then admission is guaranteed, if contrary, no admission.
Hostel accommodation is not given to part timers, this is so because it is believed that part time students are workers who need to go home and prepare for another days job. Though some part time students who are not working and come from far places prefer to sleep in the class, the school management is against it but they allow it. To comply with the school authorities, its advisable to get an apartment outside the school premises, apartments outside range from 150,000 naira (two years payment plus agreement and agent fee), if the money is much for an individual, 2-3 students can contribute the money, pay and live together.
Examination for part time students is done only on saturdays and sunday within the hours of 9am-6pm. Some courses are 3 hours while some are 2 hours. A maximum of two courses are done per day. This is a bonus to non working part time students as this would allow them read from monday to friday.
School fees for part timers ranges from 60,000 naira to 75,000, the amount depends on the department, computer science students of the 2013/2014 session paid 60,000 naira. After buying the form which is normally 11,500 naira, you will pay acceptance fee of 11,500 then school fees, the school fee is per section/year.
Note: all payments are made online, if you have a credit card that makes online payment then you can make all the payments by yourself. If you don't have a card that makes online payment or you don't really know how to use computers and internet, you can meet people who render this service in school, they will charge around 1500 naira to 2000 naira for every payment as service charge.
Yabatech part time certificate is exactly the same with a full timers certificate. The school does not indicate on the certificate whether you are a part timer, so there is no discrimination.
Wow this is pretty lengthy, this is one of my longest post on this blog. If you have any further questions, use the comment box below to ask your question.
If you need help with the part time form registration or any type of online payment, contact me on 08085798255 or BBM at 7C0275DB, you can also use above number to add me on what's ap.
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